Regional and institutional assignments | |
community key | 135 01 065 |
Postal code | 56254 |
district | cochem cell |
Verbandsgemeinde | cochem |
2016 state election constituency | 15 - C'ochem cell |
police inspection | cochem |
police department | Wizard |
police headquarters | Koblenz |
District Court | cochem |
district Court | Koblenz |
Higher Regional Court | Koblenz |
IHK district | Koblenz |
tourism region | Moselle Island |
diocese | Diocese of Trier |
state church | Evangelical Church in the Rhineland |
labor market region | cochem |
employment agency district | Koblenz-Mayen |
viticulture area | Cultivation area Burg Cochem |
wine region | Cultivation area Moselle |
type of use | km² | Shares in percent |
total floor area | 4,72 | 100,00 |
settlement | 0,21 | 4,4 |
residential area | 0,07 | 1,5 |
industrial and commercial space | 0,03 | 0,6 |
Sports, leisure and recreation area | 0,09 | 2,0 |
other | 0,02 | 0,3 |
Traffic | 0,28 | 5,9 |
Agriculture | 1,73 | 36,7 |
Forest | 1,94 | 41,1 |
other | 0,36 | 7,7 |
bodies of water | 0,20 | 4,3 |